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The staff blog

Here, I update it about "the house of the rainbow" and "a solar house" and the event (mainly events) of "the Day service real face".
As you update it with effort, please sometimes peep out

The staff blog


The autumn equinoctial week

It is ... on the autumn equinoctial week
I ate a handmade rice dumpling covered with bean jam to snacks of 3:00
... which was eaten up in no time of everybody

Respect for the Aged Day

It is update after a long absence
September 24 was Respect for the Aged Day
It is ... with the feeling of everyday thanks
I prepared for a present this year
Is well forever; ...

Walk after a long absence

There is the day of the lingering summer heat still more, too, but ...
September began and cooled down little by little
It was cloudy, but went out to a walk outside after a long absence today
An addition is ukiuki in the first walk course
I said that it became recreational
I think of appearance retaranato outside a lot before it is winter

Junior high student challenge week

Is after a long absence; have been updated
For one week of from September 3 to September 7, a junior high student came for an on-site training
Users are delighted by a young child
I said age same as own grandchild among them
I practice walking together and have lunch and talk and
It was a happy day

The Star Festival decoration

It was the Star Festival on July 7
User started preparations steadily for a day of the Star Festival
Male user challenges the making of decoration this year, too
A wonderful decoration was done
Eikoh seisakusyo, Ltd.
Group home
"The house of the rainbow"
Small scale multifunctional model home
"A solar house"
Day service
"The real face"
House type pay nursing home
"The real face"

1166-1, Okanogo, Fujioka-shi, Gunma
■Nursing facility
・Small scale multifunctional model home
・Group home
・House type pay nursing home