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The staff blog

Here, I update it about "the house of the rainbow" and "a solar house" and the event (mainly events) of "the Day service real face".
As you update it with effort, please sometimes peep out

The staff blog


The calligraphy practice at the beginning of the year meet

I greet the New Year and hold the calligraphy practice at the beginning of the year meet
I concentrated on it, everyone, and wrote it a lot
Were you able to write a convincible character?

The first sunrise of a new year

January 1 ... New Year first sunrise of a new year
I got up early well and matched a hand with the first sunrise of a new year together
It will be surely a good year this year

2019 start

A Happy New Year
This year is m(_ _)m thank you in advance, too
I do my best this year to update blog than last year
The new beginning of the year contribution is ...
I start from the making of your work
The sexagenary cycle of this year is a wild boar

Year-end general cleaning

If Christmas is over, it is the preparation for ... New Year holidays
Well, I am fired up and am cleaned the whole

Christmas society (house of the rainbow)

Christmas party of the house of the rainbow is large serving rise, too
And the present was pleased with
It is 3 facilities Christmas society great success
Eikoh seisakusyo, Ltd.
Group home
"The house of the rainbow"
Small scale multifunctional model home
"A solar house"
Day service
"The real face"
House type pay nursing home
"The real face"

1166-1, Okanogo, Fujioka-shi, Gunma
■Nursing facility
・Small scale multifunctional model home
・Group home
・House type pay nursing home